May 11th, 2015
Present: Emily, Dwyer, Colin
- Panel feedback
- Went really well! Approximately 60 people were there. The topic and speakers meshed well and led to some interesting conversation. All 3 panelists gave positive feedback for the event.
- Possible suggestions for future:
- Look into secular spaces to reach out to a more diverse crowd
- Have a survey for people to tell us how they heard about the event
- Ideas for future initiatives
- Monthly speaker series
- Workshop or seminar for teachers on alternative Remembrance day activities
- Late September or early October
- Colin will contact other teacher friends to see if there might be interest
- Could maybe be hosted by a school, should contact school boards
- Dwyer will talk with superintendent, Educators for Justice, Conscience Canada
- Emily will contact MCC Ontario about their remembrance day curriculum they created to see if they might have someone interested in speaking/being involved. Also Matthew Bailey-Dyck, PeaceQuest Kingston, and Conscience Canada
- It would be great to involve veterans with a peace perspective
- Symposium
- Shouldn’t do during the summer, maybe the fall. Still would like to do it thought
- Concert/music
- More summer appropriate
- Nonviolence Festival- July 11 from 12-5
- Should get a table, do the white board “In our quest for peace we need to…”
- Maybe get a business card printed? Talk to PQ about funding a white board/business cards
- Continue to think of ways to mobilize for upcoming election
- Generally feel that shouldn’t try to do something intellectual during the summer. So trying to think of ideas of things to do during the summer that are more summery. Having booths at festivals, etc.
- Other cool things to promote
- Children’s International Summer Villages
- Month of kids sharing and interacting from different cultures-
- Peacebuilder’s toolbox: 52 online resources for peace work-
- Put out by the Canadian School of Peacebuilding
- School of Americas Protest- November 3rd weekend. Should promote, Dwyer usually takes a bus down every year
- Cahoots- A festival of faith, social justice, and diy- To promote. Jly 9-12
- Children’s International Summer Villages
- People to connect with
- Ian Stump of Sophisticats- Dwyer will contact
- Should connect with PJSA and PeaceWorks (already have connected with PeaceWorks but maybe check in again)
- Next meeting: June 8th, 7pm