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PeaceQuest KW Feb. Minutes

Meeting started at 7:15pm on February 9th, 2015

  • Petition at MLK Day
    • Didn’t get a great deal of autographs, but it was nice to be a part of the event.
    • Good to make a connection with Albrecht brothers, who organize the Nonviolence Festival events
      • Events they organize include a Nonviolence Festival day in July, Gandhi’s birthday, International day of Peace in Sept
    • Movie Screening
      • Look at films offered by Cinema Politica (Cinema
        • They are now connected with WPIRG
      • Amnesty has also been meaning to do a movie night. We will collaborate with them.
      • Need to give David a list of films we’re interested in showing, so take a look and give your suggestions to Emily by February 23rd.
      • The goal of this would be to emphasize the profile of groups in KW that are working for Peace/Nonviolence
      • Testament of Youth- experience of WWI
        • Would be great to show, don’t know if it has been shown in North America
        • Based on memoir of Vera Brittain (she lived in Montreal at one point! Canadian connections)
      • David Lubell will talk to John at the Princess Cinema about showing a film there
      • Colin will talk to Ploughshares for other suggestions
    • Partnering with groups on campus
      • What do students like? Things on campus, free food
      • 2 groups on campus at UW: Peace Society and PACS students society
        • Peace Society is Grebel’s residence peace group.
          • Bekah DeJong is here representing Peace Society.
        • PACS Student Society is the student society of students studying PACS.
          • Interested in collaborating but unable to make the meeting.
        • Peace Society hosts speakers at their meetings, makes crafts like soap and candles
      • Would potentially be willing to collaborate for a movie
      • Emily will come speak at Peace Society meeting on Feb 22nd. Anyone else is welcome to come along!
      • Could we have a speaker at community supper (Conrad Grebel’s weekly community dinner)? Definitely not this term. Maybe during the Spring term or next year. Would have to talk to Mary.
      • Emily will ask PACS Student Society if they want to do a movie night and we’ll go from there
        • Post meeting update: Emily has been in contact with PACS Student Society, they are already planning a movie and happy to collaborate! They were thinking of watching 12 Years a Slave but are open to other suggestions. PQ can be involved in facilitating a post-film discussion. Probably will be happening in March.
      • Membership
        • We aren’t a big group; there are roughly 5 “regulars” that have been coming out (Emily, Eleanor, Kae, Dwyer, and Colin) and Kae is unable to continue committing to the group.
          • Do we need to do more outreach? We don’t want to have volunteer fatigue.
          • Should we consider seeing if another group wants to merge (i.e. take on PeaceQuest activities)
        • It would help to get people interested if we have a clear theme/focus
          • The Arms Trade treaty could be a potential focus, trying to influence Canada’s policy.
            • Could advocate for it during the upcoming election
            • It’s a timely topic
            • Would there be relevant movies? Ask Ploughshares
            • We could get a high profile person to speak.
              • James Orbinski; he could talk about proliferations or landmines. He is on staff at Balsillie
              • Paul Heinbecker; also Balsillie.
              • Emily will ask
            • Possible foci
              • How to get peace and peace issues on Political agenda, especially in the next election
              • Provide a counter narrative to militarism narrative
              • What does Remembrance mean today? In our current context?
                • JS Woodsworth- Founded NDP party, pacifist, opposed entry into WWII
                • Talk to Rideau Institute in Ottawa and/or Steven Staples (founder) for ideas of key peace Canadians
              • Coalescence
                • There are a lot of people interested in Peace in KW, but not much awareness between groups
                • What can we do to increase collaboration/awareness among peace people
                • What about a day or half day conference/meeting, where we invite key people from local peace groups to come together in a room and talk about their work
                  • Would be an opportunity for networking, finding out what each other are doing.
                  • Maybe could see if CPA would be willing to give us space? Emily is meeting with Paul and Michelle later in February, will discuss with them
                  • The goal of the day would be coherence, as well as finding ways to collaborate
                • We should connect with Brice Balmer from InterFaith Grand River
                  • Next meeting: Monday March 9th.